Livestock Rules

Please read the rules relating to all livestock events.

  1. All Livestock exhibits must be on the show grounds by 10.30 on the day of the show.
  2. No exhibit shall be removed before 5 pm without an order from the secretary otherwise exhibitors are liable to forfeit any prizes awarded.
  3. Horses for completion for jumping classes must be on the grounds by 10.30am.
  4. Entry form must be fully completed and lodged with the secretary.
  5. The committee reserves to itself the right to reject any entry.
  6. Each exhibitor or agent must be prepared to verify any statement contained in the certificate of entry in any manner the committee may require.
  7. All exhibits must be bona fide property of exhibitors at time of entry.
  8. An objection of any sort must be made in writing and lodged with the secretary within one week of the show date.
  9. Any exhibitor interfering with or disputing the Judge’s decision shall be liable to forfeit any prize awarded to him or her together with fees and deposits paid by him or her and to expulsion from the show grounds.
  10. No third prize unless there is at least five entries in the class. Prize can be cancelled if less than three entries in the class.
  11. First prize only if three entries or less in a class.
  12. All animals must be properly handled and should pose no danger to owners or Public.
  13. All exhibitors please note that the show committee are exempt from all liability for damages to the person or property of exhibitors.
  14. Only Animals fully complying with Dept. of Agriculture conditions will be permitted to be exhibited. Must have Blue card for Cattle, owners must produce movement compliance certificate.
  15. Owners have a responsibility to ensure that No aggressive animals are exhibited.
  16. Owners of all animals exhibited must ensure that animals properly trained to lead are properly led by a competent person.
  17. Classes will be cancelled if, after amalgamation of classes, there are less than two entries.
  18. Products may be given in lieu of money in some classes.
  19. Cattle and sheep entered in two classes can only participate in one class unless the second class is for Pairs or Young Handler classes.
  20. All Livestock Exhibitors must ensure that they have Public Liability Insurance.